Friday, August 19, 2011

5 Drinks Pelepas Stress at the Office
When stuck with the office routine and busyness of everyday life,stress easily arise. Stress also affects the quality of your work.Difficulty concentrating, tiredness and the job was not solved a problem when stressed.

As quoted Medic magic, there are five drinks can be enjoyed as a stress reliever.

1. warm milk
When you feel bored and tired, drink a glass of warm milk. The content of tryptophan in milk helps metabolize into serotaninfunctioning improve mood. The content of calcium, magnesiumand potassium can also lower stress levels.

2. hot chocolate
Warm drinks will increase body temperature, so the body is more comfortable. The content of substances in chocolate can also make the mood more stable.

3. black tea
Change your habit of drinking coffee to drink black tea, Aresearch from University College London, UK, showed thatdrinking black tea four times a day for six weeks reduces thestress hormone that triggers cortisol.

4. green tea
Green tea contains theanin, which enhances relaxation in the brain. This increases alpha waves which cause a calming effect and reduces the beta waves that create feelings of distress.

5. cold water
Cold water can also be used to reduce stress. But, after drinking,make sure you walk outdoors and breathe fresh air. Water willmove in the blood and fresh air stimulates the production ofendorphins, hormones that reduce stress.
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