Saturday, July 30, 2011

10 Countries With Beautiful Snow in the World

Almost all countries outside the line of 40 degrees south latitude and 40 degrees north latitude is always experiencing snowfall in the given period. Snowfall can sometimes add to the beauty, but also can exacerbate the beauty. Lots of countries that actually have beautiful scenery due to snowfall.
And from about six dozen countries who feel the snow, there is a list of 10 countries are considered among the most beautiful snow. The meaning of this beautiful snow country is a country of beautiful scenery due to the snowfall. Here is the country:
1. Switzerland
Switzerland is one country in central Europe that has beautiful scenery. State that directly borders with Germany, France, Italy, and Austria was largely a region of the Alps are famous slopes keindahanya, and therefore would not be surprised if the Swiss have the best snow scenery in the world.
2. New Zealand
From the list of the best snow 1o this country, New Zealand is the only country Yeng located in the southern hemisphere. Island nation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean west of these mountains have a natural beauty that is extraordinary.
3. Alaska (USA Territory)http://hermawayne.blogspot.comIn this case, Alaska is considered as a state. This is because Alaska is a state of the United States are located separately from the state Parent. from all states of the United States, Alaska is a state that pick the most beautiful natural scenery of snow.
4. Canada
State stretching from the Atlantic and Davis Strait to the Pacific Ocean is an American country located in the extreme north. On the Canadian prairies and plains of the province of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, spread toward the Rocky Mountains will be turned into a paradise of snow in the winter because so beautifully.
5. French
Although France is one of the countries in Western Europe, but France is one of the countries traversed by the trajectory of the Alps. No wonder the pemandanganya beautiful, especially if coupled with a mountain view of Mount Blanc in the south coast of Western Europe, it will further add to the beauty of French landscapes.
6. Norway
It is not wrong if Norway has the most beautiful snow scene, This is because the location of the Norwegian state in the Scandinavian peninsula and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean.Norway is a country that is mountainous and mostly covered by glaciers.
7. Iceland
Iceland is a country that partially covered by snow ice, therefore, the state is named after Iceland or Iceland (permafrost). State which is located adjacent to Greenland in the north Atlantic Ocean.
8. Japan
Sakura which overlooks the beautiful wilderness of snow. The country is situated at about 41 degrees north latitude. When winter arrives, then the views of the city will look like a fairy tale, especially if we see the scenery of snow on the slopes of Mount Fuji.
9. Sweden
Sweden is a Nordic country in Scandinavia. The country is bordered by Norway in the west and Finland in the northeast, the Skagerrak Strait and the Kattegat Strait in the southwest, as well as the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia in the east. This country was once the poorest country in Europe in the 19th century, but because of its natural beauty, this country became famous tourist destination and then be able to build this country for the better.
10. South Korea
Korea is one of the 4 seasons the topography of the mountains.Mountains in the eastern region into upstream generally large rivers, such as the Han River and the river Naktong. In winter, the mountains in South Korea turned into a very beautiful snow mountains.
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Goa Cermai In Bantul Yogyakarta

Browse the cave turned out to have its own preoccupations that may be hard to forget for nature lovers and tourists. Yogyakarta Special Region pontensi cave turned out to save a lot that can be developed as tourist attractions. Here the authors try to inform you a little more caves that have been developed as tourist attractions.
Goa SelarongAddress: Displays District, Bantul Regency
In the past Goa Selarong is headquarters of the army of Prince Diponegoro, in the struggle against the Dutch government between 1825-1830.beliau After moving to his home in Goa Selarong Tegalrejo attacked and burned by the Dutch. Today the cave is becoming one of the attractions peningalan history with beautiful natural scenery as well as suitable for use as a campground.This object is located about 14 km north of Yogyakarta, precisely in the District Displays, Bantul Regency and at the top of a hill overgrown with lots of guava trees that are characteristic of the object.Around the central Cave Selarong there that produce wooden handicraft statues, masks and others. Government of Bantul Regency is developing the area as the object of agro Selarong Cave with guava plants
Goa CermeAddress: Hamlet Srunggo, Selopamioro Village, District Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Cerme Goa is located about about 15 km southeast of the town of Bantul. The length of this cave is entirely approximately 1.2 km and in which the river flows underground safe for Caving activity.End of this cave region in the form of Spring panggang.selain main cave there is another cave used for meditation places like Goa mastermind, Ledhek Goa, Goa Badhut, and Goa People.To reach the front gate of Goa, visitors must climb the hill melesati skitar759 stairs. In the evening view of the city in the north looks beautiful with sparkling lights.
Goa Cerme derived from the word comes from the word Cerme lecture that hinted the talks conducted Walisongo. Cerme cave was once used by the Walisongo to spread Islam in Java. In addition, the cave Cerme also used to discuss plans for the establishment of the Great Mosque of Demak. Every Monday or Tuesday wage, has always held a ceremony to ask for blessings thanksgiving to God.
This cave includes a long and deep caves. The main tourist attraction is the beauty of Goa Cerme stalactite and stalagmites as well as many bats in the cave besides the flow of underground water course. Cave floor flooded by ground water with an average water depth of about 1 to 1.5 meters. This cave consists of many rooms, like the stage of the meeting, zam zam water, mustoko, holy water, watu review, pelungguhan / paseban, heaven, Grojogan Sewu, water penguripan, gamelan, stone gilang, granary, sekakap building, court, stage, watu lawa cave and hanging.
Goa GajahAddress: Hamlet Lemahbang. Mangunan, Dlingo, Bantul
Goa Gajah is a karst cave, which is part of a thousand mountains. This form of horizontal cave with a depth that was heretofore not known that it becomes a challenge for cave exploration. called the elephant cave because the cave is characterized by a lump of rock that resembles an elephant.Goa Gajah is located about 21 Km south-east of Bantul, situated in the hamlet lemahbang, mangunan, Bantul.
Japanese CaveAddress: Hamlet Ngreco, Village seloharjo, Pundong, Bantul
This cave is located about 20 km south of the city of Bantul, precisely in dusunNgreco and poyahan, Seloharjo village, subdistrict Pundong. Goa is a Japanese-made relics of World War II era that serves as a means of defense.Goa is a relic of World War Japanese IIdan serves as a means of military defense padea years 1942-1945 to fight tetneara sekutu.disekitar region bunker was discovered 18 buildings that have diverse functions, such as a lookout, firing chamber, meeting rooms, warehouses and kitchens.
This cave is made also built to face the allies expected an attack comes through the south coast. constructed with reinforced concrete materials, cement and rocks. bunkers are built interconnected and linked to the trenches as high as 1 m.
Kiskendo Cave ParkAddress: Village Jatimulyo, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo Regency
Kiskendo Goa this tourist attraction is one tourist attraction in the mountain village of Jatimulyo, Girimulyo District is approximately 38 km from Yogyakarta or 21 km from the City of Wates. Goa Kiskenda a natural cave on the Mount Menoreh. According to legend this place ever going battle between Sugriwo-Subali and Mahesosuro-Lembusuro. Relief images of their struggle in the mouth of the cave which contained a portrait of the truth can overcome evil and arrogance. Location Kiskendo Goa Goa Smith was also there that have vertical and horizontal mouth.Legend Goa is a place of hermitage Sumitro Bambang Sumitra's son Arjuna in Mahabaratha story.Inside this cave Kiskendo encountered many beautiful stalactites and stalagmites form. In this cave there is also the flow of river water underground in the wayang story describes the battle between Subali-Sugriva and Mahesasura-Lembusura that drain the water red and white.
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Kraton Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat

In Yogyakarta is Kraton Ngayogyakarta, built between 1756-1790 by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Java said Kraton (Keraton or Palace) is derived from the queen's, which is where the king / queen's life.
Kraton is still the residence of the Sultan of the former kingdom of Mataram Sultanate branch. In 1989, Hamengkubuwono X on the throne, and he lived in this palace. Sultan strength is purely symbolic and therefore limited to the palace alone with his servant. This is the palace is no longer the seat of power, but is home to the royal heirlooms, weapons, chariots, and gifts from guests of the kingdom. There is also a museum dedicated to the late ninth lane.Kraton is a reproduction of an accurate and careful Javanese cosmos. Each access, building, yard, trees and the field has a certain symbolic meaning. Spiritual center of the craton is Kedaton Court, "the king of the page." The entrance to the courtyard Kedaton guarded by the "grin" giant silver. Picture this heavenly guard, modeled on the great figures at the entrance of Dwarapala Sewu outside Yogyakarta. In the "pages Kingdom" is a large Kencono Ward, "golden throne room". Rear Ward Ward Proboyekso Kencono located, where the sacred heritage or the Crown Jewels are stored. The Kencono Proboyekso Ward and Ward form the heart of the palace and the building is only targeted towards the east, the direction of power and the sun rises
On the north side of the craton is the performance, the audiĆ«ntiehal with 64 columns. It symbolizes the perfection of 64 pillars, namely the age of the Prophet Muhammad. Currently, dance performances almost every day and show gamelan.Kraton not only the palace, but the city, complete with schools and the mosque's compound. There are more than 25,000 people. In the complex is the bird market and to find the Water Palace.Water Castle (Taman Sari) is located southwest of the Palace.The name "Taman Sari" means "Fragrant Garden" and refers to the fruit trees and trees with flowers that smell that pervades the entire complex. Taman Sari in the 18th century as an amusement park for the royal family, fled the comfort and luxury from the daily grind. Taman Sari complex there are several swimming pools, fountains, mosques and a large underground lake. There is also a tower from which the sultan's harem Mangkubumi can watch while swimming. After selection of the "bathers" has made Mangkubumi then pull them back into the room after the death of Air menara.Segera Mangkubumi Palace fell into disrepair.Today mostly occupied by the village and is a maze of houses and alleyways.Also on the first complex is the Taman Sari Ngasem market, bird market in Yogyakarta, to find. This is largely on the basis of the former more than Taman Sari. In the bird market, you can save the birds, other small animals (such as monkeys, rabbits, iguanas, bats, salamanders) purchase.
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Gunung Kidul Ngobran Beach

Ngobaran Beach, one of the exotic charm hidden in the ranks ofGunung Kidul, located 2 km west shore Ngrenehan. The beach is located in the village district Kanigoro saptosari Gunungkidulyogyakarta combines high cliffs and beautiful stretch of beachform a relief beyond measure. Ngobaran beaches, naturalbeauty of virginity.

The beach is adorned with coral-covered reefs alba (seaweed)which is the source of livelihood surrounding communities. Albais the raw material for the manufacture of cosmetics. Among the rocks formed ponds along the shore where a mini-living marinebiota such as lobsters and sea urchins (sea animal with sharpspines like a porcupine), which became the foundation of the fishermen on land. Fishermen land designation reserved forfishermen who do not have to go to sea / sail a boat to explorethe sea, just on the beach alone.

Ngobaran Beach store long history of harmony in the bhineka's.On the beach stood a few places of worship different religions /beliefs. A mosque stands next to a temple (place of worship of Hindus), places of worship and the cult kejawen kejawan (UB VFlow heritage trust, named after one of the sons of UB V,Bondhan Kejawan). The uniqueness can be seen from themosque, which faces south, with facial beauty beradapanNgobaran beach. But in the implementation of prayer, still facing the Qibla.
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Dreamland beach Sundak Comparable With

Sundak beaches, beautiful small beach located in the district of Jogjakarta Gunungkidul turned out to save an interesting story.Before we look at the history of Sundak Beach, a little review, that the small beach in between the clusters are lined up on the southern coast of Java island, this might be the most natural, quiet and most beautiful I have ever visited. About 2 or 3 years ago I really enjoy the white sand beaches and the cool air of air.Coastline was not long, do not imagine the line Losari in Makassar or Parangtritis in Yogyakarta.


Coast Sundak really feels like a private beach (hahahaha). Back to the topic, the story of the naming of the beach itself was inviting ga little sense of wonder and disbelief. Well, it is said ... ..Name Sundak turns to experience evolution evidences can be traced geologically. In order to know how evolution, visitors must know first edge condition Sundak Beach then and now. On the western edge of the beach there is a mosque and an empty space that is now used as a parking lot. While in the east there is a cave formed of rocks about 12 meters altitude. Entering the cave, will be found natural wells where people get fresh water.Areas outlined above before 1930 are still submerged ocean.That said, the water to a region that is now a mosque, the rocks that form the cave was still under water. As the geological processes on the south coast, sea surface shrinks and water is indented into the sea. The coral reef and the area around the mosque became a new land which is then used for coastal residents to current economic activity. There is a unique natural phenomenon due to the activity that eventually became the starting point of naming this beach. During the wet season, a lot of water flowing from land to sea. As a result, the plains on the east coast divide to form formations such as rivers. Water that flows like mbedah (splitting) of sand. When drought comes, crevice disappeared and since the sea water came in with the sand. Natural phenomena is what causes the name to be Wedibedah beach (sand split). The name change took place several decades later. Around 1976, there is an interesting event. One afternoon, a dog was running around in the beach area and enter the cave corals encounter with a sea urchin.Because the hungry, the dog was mean to eat the sea urchin, but the hedgehog escape. There followed a scuffle that eventually won the dog managed to eat half a sea urchin's body and out of the cave with pride. The act of the dog owners are known, named Arjasangku, which saw half a body in the sea urchin dog's mouth. Checking into the cave, it turns out the owner found the bodies of sea urchin and a half remaining. Well, since then, the name changed to Sundak Wedibedah, abbreviation of asu (dog) and porcupine. Unexpectedly, the fight was a blessing for locals. After decades of water shortages, residents eventually discovered the springs. Initially, the wonder dog owner that his dog out of the cave with dripping wet. Hypothesis, in the cave there is water and the dog had drowned while chasing porcupines. After trying some investigations, the prediction turned out true. Be present, the water in a cave used for the purposes of living. From inside the cave, now installed pipes to connect with residents. The findings of this spring treat disappointment because of the well established residents were inundated by sea water. Well, if conditions in 1930 just as said above, can be estimated condition of hundreds of years earlier.Certainly very many organisms that utilize the bottom of the reef which is now the cave and what is now the mainland. Therefore, many archeologists believe that as a consequence of geological processes that exist, many organisms that left and piled into a fossil. Matter what the fossils were found, was until now not been much research mengungkapkan.Selain offer silent witness to history, Sundak also offers a pleasant evening. You can enjoy the evening breeze while ordering raw fish to be grilled with friends.By paying a few thousand, you can buy wood for fuel. If you are lazy, just order a mature, so ready to eat. What is clear, do not be confused to find a place to stay. Visitors can sleep anywhere, set up a tent, or just lying on the bench stall if unused nights.Darkness does not need to fuss, is not boring if life continues to bright? Mmmmmhhh, quite interesting! Please visit, will definitely feel at home and hooked.
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