Saturday, July 30, 2011

Goa Cermai In Bantul Yogyakarta

Browse the cave turned out to have its own preoccupations that may be hard to forget for nature lovers and tourists. Yogyakarta Special Region pontensi cave turned out to save a lot that can be developed as tourist attractions. Here the authors try to inform you a little more caves that have been developed as tourist attractions.
Goa SelarongAddress: Displays District, Bantul Regency
In the past Goa Selarong is headquarters of the army of Prince Diponegoro, in the struggle against the Dutch government between 1825-1830.beliau After moving to his home in Goa Selarong Tegalrejo attacked and burned by the Dutch. Today the cave is becoming one of the attractions peningalan history with beautiful natural scenery as well as suitable for use as a campground.This object is located about 14 km north of Yogyakarta, precisely in the District Displays, Bantul Regency and at the top of a hill overgrown with lots of guava trees that are characteristic of the object.Around the central Cave Selarong there that produce wooden handicraft statues, masks and others. Government of Bantul Regency is developing the area as the object of agro Selarong Cave with guava plants
Goa CermeAddress: Hamlet Srunggo, Selopamioro Village, District Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Cerme Goa is located about about 15 km southeast of the town of Bantul. The length of this cave is entirely approximately 1.2 km and in which the river flows underground safe for Caving activity.End of this cave region in the form of Spring panggang.selain main cave there is another cave used for meditation places like Goa mastermind, Ledhek Goa, Goa Badhut, and Goa People.To reach the front gate of Goa, visitors must climb the hill melesati skitar759 stairs. In the evening view of the city in the north looks beautiful with sparkling lights.
Goa Cerme derived from the word comes from the word Cerme lecture that hinted the talks conducted Walisongo. Cerme cave was once used by the Walisongo to spread Islam in Java. In addition, the cave Cerme also used to discuss plans for the establishment of the Great Mosque of Demak. Every Monday or Tuesday wage, has always held a ceremony to ask for blessings thanksgiving to God.
This cave includes a long and deep caves. The main tourist attraction is the beauty of Goa Cerme stalactite and stalagmites as well as many bats in the cave besides the flow of underground water course. Cave floor flooded by ground water with an average water depth of about 1 to 1.5 meters. This cave consists of many rooms, like the stage of the meeting, zam zam water, mustoko, holy water, watu review, pelungguhan / paseban, heaven, Grojogan Sewu, water penguripan, gamelan, stone gilang, granary, sekakap building, court, stage, watu lawa cave and hanging.
Goa GajahAddress: Hamlet Lemahbang. Mangunan, Dlingo, Bantul
Goa Gajah is a karst cave, which is part of a thousand mountains. This form of horizontal cave with a depth that was heretofore not known that it becomes a challenge for cave exploration. called the elephant cave because the cave is characterized by a lump of rock that resembles an elephant.Goa Gajah is located about 21 Km south-east of Bantul, situated in the hamlet lemahbang, mangunan, Bantul.
Japanese CaveAddress: Hamlet Ngreco, Village seloharjo, Pundong, Bantul
This cave is located about 20 km south of the city of Bantul, precisely in dusunNgreco and poyahan, Seloharjo village, subdistrict Pundong. Goa is a Japanese-made relics of World War II era that serves as a means of defense.Goa is a relic of World War Japanese IIdan serves as a means of military defense padea years 1942-1945 to fight tetneara sekutu.disekitar region bunker was discovered 18 buildings that have diverse functions, such as a lookout, firing chamber, meeting rooms, warehouses and kitchens.
This cave is made also built to face the allies expected an attack comes through the south coast. constructed with reinforced concrete materials, cement and rocks. bunkers are built interconnected and linked to the trenches as high as 1 m.
Kiskendo Cave ParkAddress: Village Jatimulyo, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo Regency
Kiskendo Goa this tourist attraction is one tourist attraction in the mountain village of Jatimulyo, Girimulyo District is approximately 38 km from Yogyakarta or 21 km from the City of Wates. Goa Kiskenda a natural cave on the Mount Menoreh. According to legend this place ever going battle between Sugriwo-Subali and Mahesosuro-Lembusuro. Relief images of their struggle in the mouth of the cave which contained a portrait of the truth can overcome evil and arrogance. Location Kiskendo Goa Goa Smith was also there that have vertical and horizontal mouth.Legend Goa is a place of hermitage Sumitro Bambang Sumitra's son Arjuna in Mahabaratha story.Inside this cave Kiskendo encountered many beautiful stalactites and stalagmites form. In this cave there is also the flow of river water underground in the wayang story describes the battle between Subali-Sugriva and Mahesasura-Lembusura that drain the water red and white.


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