Saturday, July 30, 2011

Gunung Kidul Ngobran Beach

Ngobaran Beach, one of the exotic charm hidden in the ranks ofGunung Kidul, located 2 km west shore Ngrenehan. The beach is located in the village district Kanigoro saptosari Gunungkidulyogyakarta combines high cliffs and beautiful stretch of beachform a relief beyond measure. Ngobaran beaches, naturalbeauty of virginity.

The beach is adorned with coral-covered reefs alba (seaweed)which is the source of livelihood surrounding communities. Albais the raw material for the manufacture of cosmetics. Among the rocks formed ponds along the shore where a mini-living marinebiota such as lobsters and sea urchins (sea animal with sharpspines like a porcupine), which became the foundation of the fishermen on land. Fishermen land designation reserved forfishermen who do not have to go to sea / sail a boat to explorethe sea, just on the beach alone.

Ngobaran Beach store long history of harmony in the bhineka's.On the beach stood a few places of worship different religions /beliefs. A mosque stands next to a temple (place of worship of Hindus), places of worship and the cult kejawen kejawan (UB VFlow heritage trust, named after one of the sons of UB V,Bondhan Kejawan). The uniqueness can be seen from themosque, which faces south, with facial beauty beradapanNgobaran beach. But in the implementation of prayer, still facing the Qibla.


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