Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kraton Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat

In Yogyakarta is Kraton Ngayogyakarta, built between 1756-1790 by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Java said Kraton (Keraton or Palace) is derived from the queen's, which is where the king / queen's life.
Kraton is still the residence of the Sultan of the former kingdom of Mataram Sultanate branch. In 1989, Hamengkubuwono X on the throne, and he lived in this palace. Sultan strength is purely symbolic and therefore limited to the palace alone with his servant. This is the palace is no longer the seat of power, but is home to the royal heirlooms, weapons, chariots, and gifts from guests of the kingdom. There is also a museum dedicated to the late ninth lane.Kraton is a reproduction of an accurate and careful Javanese cosmos. Each access, building, yard, trees and the field has a certain symbolic meaning. Spiritual center of the craton is Kedaton Court, "the king of the page." The entrance to the courtyard Kedaton guarded by the "grin" giant silver. Picture this heavenly guard, modeled on the great figures at the entrance of Dwarapala Sewu outside Yogyakarta. In the "pages Kingdom" is a large Kencono Ward, "golden throne room". Rear Ward Ward Proboyekso Kencono located, where the sacred heritage or the Crown Jewels are stored. The Kencono Proboyekso Ward and Ward form the heart of the palace and the building is only targeted towards the east, the direction of power and the sun rises
On the north side of the craton is the performance, the audiëntiehal with 64 columns. It symbolizes the perfection of 64 pillars, namely the age of the Prophet Muhammad. Currently, dance performances almost every day and show gamelan.Kraton not only the palace, but the city, complete with schools and the mosque's compound. There are more than 25,000 people. In the complex is the bird market and to find the Water Palace.Water Castle (Taman Sari) is located southwest of the Palace.The name "Taman Sari" means "Fragrant Garden" and refers to the fruit trees and trees with flowers that smell that pervades the entire complex. Taman Sari in the 18th century as an amusement park for the royal family, fled the comfort and luxury from the daily grind. Taman Sari complex there are several swimming pools, fountains, mosques and a large underground lake. There is also a tower from which the sultan's harem Mangkubumi can watch while swimming. After selection of the "bathers" has made Mangkubumi then pull them back into the room after the death of Air menara.Segera Mangkubumi Palace fell into disrepair.Today mostly occupied by the village and is a maze of houses and alleyways.Also on the first complex is the Taman Sari Ngasem market, bird market in Yogyakarta, to find. This is largely on the basis of the former more than Taman Sari. In the bird market, you can save the birds, other small animals (such as monkeys, rabbits, iguanas, bats, salamanders) purchase.


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