Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Worst Airport in the World & Dirty

With the holiday season comes a lot of people ingiin travel.Traveling can be a problem, especially if they involve a trip to the airport a bad goal.This article will make your life easier by warning you about the airports of the dirtiest in the world.
Here are the top 10 Best Airport worldwide gross Seduniadi:
1. Los Angeles LAX Airport
The airport has a 1980-style interior of this takes a lot peroimbakan.Perjalanan an.Bandara from one terminal to another is very boring because it's so crowded. One major problem is that there are always long queues at security checks.
2. Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris

Some people who have come to the airport is making fun of the fact that he is in a modern state. It is regarded as one of the dirtiest and disorganized airports from all airports. If you are stuck on the way here, it is recommended that you bring a cushion as the seats are from a painful metal.
Toilets should be avoided because it is dirty and smelly can make you vomit. Small terminal, and pencahayannya bad. AC in the passenger does not work and dirty.
3. JFK Airport, New York 3. JFK Airport, New York
When you arrive at terminal 2, 3 and 4 you are in for a rude shock, this "Gateway to America" ​​really needs to razed and rebuilt.
The floor was dirty, and when you reach the immigration you have to walk barefoot which can be a traumatic affair. The airport is less lighting and in desperate need of cleaning. Officers add to your misery. They are very unruly and badly treated the passengers.
4. Annadurai International Airport, Chennai
When you enter the airport you will immediately feel that the airport was built from the previous century.It is wise to clean the seat before you sit down. Toilets are filthy, the stench of torture. The airport is pencahayannya dim. It is wise to avoid drinking and eating here.
5. Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu
The airport is the most chaotic and very dirty. In the space business is much better but there is no toilet.Selalu no queues at the toilet and the stench there. WC should be avoided. The staff is equally unpleasant and disrespectful add misery. They also always think about money and will try to blackmail you.
6. Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport
Terminal F seems to be the last to be fixed before the war dingin.Terminal F has benches where you can stretch and relax.
Probably a wise decision to clean the seat before you relax. Do not be surprised to find a terminal filled with homeless people. The terminal seems to be a haven for the homeless. If you have a long transit here to make sure you bring enough food with you as airport food is expensive and unhygienic.
7. Rio De Janeiro Airport, Brazil
The airport is chaotic and disorganized. Floors should this dibersihkan.signage mengerikan.Anda must walk long distances in airports to find an ATM and food stalls. Even the food stalls located in an area that smelled of urine and the service was friendly. The shops are shabby and the food should be avoided.
One who makes us wonder, how can ya States to host the next Olympics have a vicious airport ..

8. Dum Dum Airport, Kolkata
This airport is a nightmare traveler. Seats in abject conditions. It is wise to choose a chair in the middle than at the corner.Menyedihkan.Dinding airport building in a state filled with security personnel tembakau.Sikap stain worse, they look glum. WC unbearable, there is absolutely no ventilation and desperately need to be cleaned.
9. Phuket International Airport, Thailand
This is one airport that you should try to avoid if possible. very few shops here and most of them open rather terlambat.Ini is comparatively small airport and not been repaired since been cuku p age. There is always a shortage of seats.
It is not uncommon to see people struggling to snatch the seat.Despite being a tourist center of this airport fails to meet basic demands.
10. Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta Airport,Most people who have arrived at the airport was thinking that this airport is a disgrace to Indonesia.
Poor lighting and no signage. Toilets are dirty, and you should not be surprised to see cockroaches and other insects mengintai.tidak rarely see people smoking in the airport location and butts in the trash. There are always long queues at imigrasi.Kondisi AC that does not always work and adds to woes of the passengers who were stranded.
within the framework of a business trip or just on holiday, with this list will help you with your travel plans when you fly into one place.Some of the airport is currently undergoing some construction and hopefully will graduate to become the best airport soon!


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