Thursday, July 28, 2011

5 Facts About Masturbation

For matters of masturbation, you certainly do not require expert opinion about the joy of practice this one. If it is still within reasonable limits, masturbation can be useful as a drug insomnia and stress are powerful and natural.But, really masturbation completely safe and normal? Is masturbation can lead to sexual dysfunction?
You are entitled to know about masturbation fact that many experts talk about. Following his presentation which is expressed through the site
1. There is no term 'abnormal'Some men think that masturbation is an abnormal thing. But experts are still difficult to determine the normal range and abnormal if it is associated with the process of masturbation, variety, technique and frequency.
Martha Cornog author of The Big Book of Masturbation states that every man has ways to masturbate, either by hand, or with sex though.
2. Not Really SafeAlthough masturbation is minimal risk of transmission of sexual diseases when compared with sexual activity with a partner, but masturbation is not completely safe. There are some risks that may result from masturbation:* Activities with a high frequency of masturbation can cause skin irritations on Mr. Dick.* Masturbation is done in haste and are not careful can lead to penile fracture (occurring if the erection of Mr. Dick collided with a hard object)* The friction with hard objects at risk of causing trauma to the urethra.
3. Improve Sexual Life or precisely destroy it?For some reason masturbation bring a positive impact on the sexual life with your partner. With masturbate a man can learn and explore the G-Spot and practicing ejaculation control capabilities.Even masturbation can be a temporary solution, when a sexual relationship with a partner is not possible due to illness, childbirth or even when the couple was not wanting sex.
But the negative impact that may result is loss of interest in sexual intercourse with a partner. However, you need not worry, the experts asserted if your relationship with your partner is fine then masturbation will not interfere with your sex life.
4. Masturbation Way Triggering Specific Sexual DysfunctionExperts warn that men who used to masturbate with a very fast frequency friction, and impossible if done with a partner, because it can trigger ejaculation problems.Men with pattern like that masturbation can have difficulty ejaculating when doing activities with your partner, so try to masturbate reasonable.Reach orgasm and ejaculation in ways that allow to do with sexual relations with a partner (sexual organ stimulation, oral, or partner's hand).
5. Proven Not Increase Risk of Prostate Cancer.The relationship between masturbation and prostate cancer is unclear. A study in Australia in 2003 (BJU International) proposed that ejaculate at a young age will reduce the risk of prostate cancer.But the results of a study published by The Journal Of The American Medical Association in 2004 stated that ejaculation frequency (including sexual intercourse or masturbation) has nothing to do with the risk of prostate cancer.But based on results of a study published in BJU International in January 2009 stated that the frequency of masturbation in young men (20-30 years) may increase the risk of prostate cancer, but vice versa for men aged 50 years and over.
While sexual relations with a partner, will not cause any effect on cancer risk. The theory that in men aged 50 and over, masturbation useful to help remove fluids that are likely to contain prostate cancer cells.


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